Mahi Pono Taking Applications for Community Farm Lots

July 24, 2019 | Maui News

The Maui News

Applications are now available for Hawaii residents and small local businesses who are interested in applying for 2-, 5- or 10-acre parcels at Mahi Pono’s agriculture park in Puunene, the company announced Tuesday.

The first phase for community farms to lease will only include the 2- and 5-acre lots on 40 acres of land, located in a 250-acre field in Puunene along Maui Veterans Highway. The lots may only be used for farming activities.

Future leases will be available on three additional plots and will include the 5- and 10-acre parcels intended for business use. The 2-acre parcels are available for subsistence farming.

Lease rates for lots will be $150 per acre, per year for the duration of the lease. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and a Hawaii resident for three or more years.

The parcels are ready to farm and have access to irrigation, windbreaks and ungulate fencing around the perimeter of the fields, said Shan Tsutsui, senior vice president of operations for Mahi Pono.


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